Natural gas. Biodiesel. Hybrid. Electric. Even a decision of CNG versus LNG. It’s all about total cost of ownership. [Fleets] need to look at what’s the most suitable technology for their application, and then they need to make sure they know where they can get fuel, and how much the fuel costs. Then they can make decisions about the configuration of the vehicle. Alternative fuels are not for everyone. In fact, the best “green” option for some fleets may be today’s “clean diesel” technology. More than a dozen alternative fuels are in production or under development for use in alternative fuel vehicles and advanced technology vehicles. Government and private-sector vehicle fleets are the primary users of these fuels and vehicles, but consumers are increasingly interested in them. Using alternative fuels and advanced vehicles instead of conventional fuels and vehicles helps the United States reduce petroleum use and vehicle emissions. In my opinion, there are two driving forces behind the growing demand for alternative fuel adoption: Operational savings—individual and fleet operators are looking for ways to save money—and environmental concerns.


Your business will never be the same.

Running sweepers and service vehicles powered by alternative fuels will have a direct and substantial impact on your operating costs, environmental footprint and most importantly, your bottom line.
